Minggu, 02 Oktober 2011


check this...

1. Buka Partition Wizard, Disaranin partisi SD pake card reader
2. Klik Kanan Pada SDCard >> Delete
3. Klik Kanan Lagi pada unallocated space
4. Klik Create

5. Create as Primary
6. Pilih Fat32

7. Tentukan Ukuran Partisinya sisakan Max 1GB untuk Ext2 (Tergantung Keperluan tapi disarankan jangan lebih dari 1GB. karna bisa ada masalah nantinya..)
8. Ok

9. Klik kanan di unallocated
10. Create
11. Muncul Warning, klik yes

12. Create as Primary
13. File System ext2
14. Cluster size 4Kb
15. Ok

16. Apply (tunggu sampai selesai partisi)
17. Selesai
18. Copy kembali isi SDcard yg udah di backup ke SDCard
19. Masukin SDCard Ke HP ... Kalo dikenali sebagai sdcard yg rusak restart aja hp nya..

Untuk file yg dibutuhin untuk partisinya bisa download disini,,,

Sabtu, 24 September 2011

Google Latitude ???

Google Latitude membantu Anda tetap dekat dengan teman melalui ponsel, komputer, atau keduanya
  • Temukan teman pada peta — liht siapa yang berdekatan dengan Anda dan temui mereka.
  • Bagikan lokasi dengan teman yang Anda pilih
  • Kontrol lokasi dan prifasi
Latitude adalah fitur pada Google Maps untuk seluler di kebanyakan ponsel. Untuk menggunakan Latitude, mulai Google Maps, kemudian pilih "Gabung Latitude." Belum punya Google Maps untuk seluler? Kunjungi http://m.google.co.id/maps menggunakan peramban ponsel.

bisa juga diakses dari web di https://www.google.com/latitude/b/0

penampakan liat di http://www.google.com/mobile/latitude/hero.jpg

cara pemakaian
  1. buka aplikasi maps di android
  2. pilih menu trus pilih menu 'latitude', kalo blom join pilih menu 'join latitude'
  3. kemudian tambahkan email di list dibawah ini
  4. biar mudah tambahnya lewat web di pc aja di  https://www.google.com/latitude/b/0
  5. setelah sama2 approve nanti akan bisa saling lihat posisi masing2
tips :
  • supaya lebih akurat posisi aktifkan fitur GPS (tapi kalo pake GPS konsumsi baterai lebih boros jadi gunakan seperlunya aja)
  • apabila sinyal gps lemah maka latitude tidak dapat mengenali lokasi saat ini , bisa diakali dengan mengaktifkan opsi "Use wireless networks" yang ada di setting > location & security setting (dengan mengaktifkan opsi ini apabila sinyal gps tidak dapat maka otomatis akan mencari lokasi bts terdekat, jadi lokasi yang ditampilkan adalah lokasi BTS bukan lokasi sebenarnya)

yang mau di share email latitudenya gabung disini ya
  1. h.luqman@gmail.com
  2. sonnyariady@gmail.com
  3. eed.izho@gmail.com
  4. arya.ciel@gmail.com
  5. d12x5.krs@gmail.com
  6. harrymutiara@gmail.com
  7. fieart274@gmail.com
  8. kevin.liando13@gmail.com
  9. abi.luluwahabibi@gmail.com
  10. kris.embun@gmail.com
  11. takagijeakito@gmail.com
  12. marvel.yp@gmail.com
  13. novans.sahputra@gmail.com
  14. ciptasihombing@gmail.com
  15. vankudut@gmail.com
  16. ryanBsaputra@gmail.com
  17. anggi.wirza@gmail.com
  18. adelxavier@gmail.com
  19. guegila@gmail.com
  20. fiyan.seek3r@gmail.com
  21. cigarret.kretek@gmail.com
  22. eriyadi.116@gmail.com
  23. jauhari.andi@gmail.com
  24. denbagus8489@gmail.com
  25. openk.anarchy99@gmail.com
  26. andrigirsang77@gmail.com
  27. rix.kurniawan@gmail.com
  28. shinigami120984@gmail.com
  29. rajatanpacelana@gmail.com
  30. m311ng@gmail.com
  31. endrosong@gmail.com
  32. ridwanjeniuz@gmail.com
  33. vindutchubby@gmail.com
  34. phirman87@gmail.com
  35. thomyjonathan@gmail.com
  36. arief.sabkli@gmail.com
  37. dedidedo@gmail.com
  38. dodoblueowl@gmail.com
  39. uchiha.mahendra.fm@gmail.com
  40. ichax07@gmail.com
  41. dsaputra89@gmail.com
  42. aditya.anggoro@gmail.com
  43. handy.yulius@gmail.com
  44. doni.ozon.agustianto@gmail.com
  45. barker_pamungkas@gmail.com
  46. theolasma@gmail.com
  47. isajuki16@gmail.com
  48. belum.buat@gmail.com
  49. wisnupamungkas1@gmail.com
  50. didudavidson@gmail.com
  51. ivanozuke@gmail.com
  52. rakhmatdewe@gmail.com
  53. ezukichan@gmail.com
  54. aryavionics@gmail.com
  55. mujib.jibeng@gmail.com
  56. sn943580@gmail.com
  57. Kabutofav@gmail.com
  58. rinaldiwicaksana@gmail.com
  59. score.boom@gmail.com
  60. adee.architecture@gmail.com 
  61. reman.LG.one@gmail.com
  62. asri.asti@gmail.com
  63. ‎33mkmania@gmail.com
  64. jauhari.andi@gmail.com
  65. chacieprahesti@gmail.com
  66. oky.mulyadi@gmail.com
  67. aditya180793@gmail.com
  68. eternelchezciel@gmail.com
  69. romeo1013@gmail.com
  70. frans.asa200035@gmail.com
  71. mifilmi@gmail.com
  72. wahabmuhamad30@gmail.com
  73. lelouch.britania86@gmail.com
  74. ancheganteng@gmail.com
  75. dannysuprawesti@gmail.com
  76. cinombarix@gmail.com
  77. reski.juniadiiswar@gmail.com
  78. dewazildjian@gmail.com
  79. nabilpradana@gmail.com
  80. icharamlan@gmail.com

GB S5660 DXKP6 CF-root. ( DT, Deodexed no Custom )




 "Deodexed using ROM CLeaner from HTC device"

Download Link

Extract file sign_Gio_Customized_By_Your_Self.rar

You must set Language and Internet Connection
FIRST ! ! ! !

then do below

Place this 2 files zip into your sdcard

go to recovery mode by press Home and power when Device off

update with signed_GT-S5660_Auto_Deodexing.zip First!!!


update again with signed_GT-S5660_Custom_Boot.zip

after that wipe data and cache

and then

click reboot now

Before Activation Below, You must set Language to INDONESIAN and Internet Connection
FIRST ! ! ! !

For fitur activation, Read Carefully!!!

Darktremor activation

run adb or install terminal ( recommended ) on your device

type su <enter>
type a2sd check <enter>
type a2sd zipalign <enter>
type a2sd cachesd <enter>

run again adb or terminal on your device

type su <enter>
type a2sd datasd <enter>

Run Move2sd Enabler

click i've read
click next
click External
click Apply
click Allow
click No ( if appear window confirmation )

Tweaks performance activation

run adb or terminal on your device

type su <enter>
type cd system/ <enter>
type sh properties.sh <enter>

close adb or terminal

Run Tweaks manager

click RAM:Min-free
click SD:Speed tweak
click I/O: No-a-time
click I/O: Scheduler
click I/O: Deadline sched.
click VM: Swappiness
click VM: Dirtyness
click Media: Stagefright
click Apply changes
click reboot now

( Remember do not click the other than above!!! )

Smooth performance activation

Run Spare Parts application

click window animations
set fast
click Transition animations
set fast
click Fancy Input animations
close Spare Parts

Run DSPmanager

click Phone Speaker
click Select Effect Strength
select Extreme
click Enable
click Select Ppreset
select Flat
close DSPmanager
goto Setting and Set Volume your device

Run Anim Mod application

click Allow
click Fly in & flip ( it will download )
click reboot

run Titanium Backup

click menu ( left button on your device )
click More
click Clean up the Dalvik cache ...
close Titanium Backup

Done, enjoy, and Customized this rom by your self

Do With Your Own Risk ( DWYOR )

1. prerooted
2. added DT extreme app2sd ( a2sdGUI not support )
3. added CF-root
4. added Ani Mod ( change window animation with this app )
5. added some app are usefull
6. compass fix
7. gps lock fix
8. No ads again
9. APN provider complete
10. delete some unesefull app
11. Deodexed
12. No Custom

Jumat, 23 September 2011

Hack Game TAP FISH !!!

You will need
A rooted droid
Tap fish
I highly suggest getting root manager becasue that is all that worked for me

When you have root manager
1.open root manager
2.make sure tap fish is closed
3.you want to open folder called data
4.then open the next folder data
5.then open the folder called com.bayview.tapfish
6.then open the folder called shared_prefs
7.then hold on com.bayview.tapfish_preferences.xml and wait till option to open in file manager and go and click on it
8.Then where it says NEIGHBOR_COINS change the value where it says 0 to whatever you want
9.Then you also change where it says NEIGHBOR_XPS value from 0 to whatever you want
10.Then back out of it and save it and delete the backup file
11.open tap fish and you will have the money you put and the level

That is it you will have the hack please THANK Topic and +rep if you want
Please post to keep topic alive

Juice Defender Setting

Setting Profile Advance Tab: Status
- JuiceDefender Ultimate : enable
- Profile : Advance
- Notification : text
- Options : quick enable & quick disable

Tab: Controls
- Mobile data : enable
- Tablet Mode : default (kosongin)
- Wifi : enable
- Options : default (kosongin)
- 3G : disable
- AutoSync : ping
- Keep enable : data
- Timeout : disable
- CPU : Proceed

Tab: Schedule
- Schedule : enable
- Frequency : 5m
- Duration : 30s
- Controls : default
- Night : enable
- Start end : disesuaikan waktu tidur agan"
- Peak : disable
- Weekend : disable

Tab: Triggers
- Battery : enable
- Battery Treshold : 15%
- Charger : ac
- Screen : enable
- Option : Ignore on low battery
- Controls : default
- Traffic : disable
- Apps : enable
- Configure : configure apps (pilih aplikasi mana aja yg diperlukan lalu pilih enable/screenoff, ini akan membuat akses data tetap berjalan meski screenoff or screenlock yg biasanya mengakibatkan akses data terputus)
- Controls : default
- Location : default

Link Super One Click (SOC)

Ini dia Link-nya :



Here's a one-click root with almost all phones and all android versions. (including the i9000, Droid, Nexus One, etc)


The program requires Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0+ or Mono v1.2.6+

Operations systems with native support:

Windows Vista

Windows 7

Ubuntu Hardy (8.04 LTS)

Ubuntu Jaunty (9.04)

Ubuntu Karmic (9.10)

Ubuntu Lucid (10.04 LTS)

Ubuntu Maverick (10.10)

Debian Lenny (5.0)

Debian Squeeze (testing)

Debian Sid (unstable)

Debian Experimental

If you run Microsoft Windows XP, install .NET Framework v2.0 or above

If you run Mac or another Linux flavor, make sure you install Mono:


Online X10i

Syarat hp nya pertama dah root ya gan..bis itu pake root xplorer..
Kita mulai : Di X10 kita STEP 1 :
ke setting--> wireless and networks-->ke wifi setting-->nyalain wifinya-->terus add wifi network-->ane bikin id namanya erik
Nah terus turn off dl wifinya..

ke laptopnya sekarang .
ane pake jendela 7(win7) ya
1)Nyalain wireless laptopnya..(Tentu dah ada internet di laptopnya ya gan)^^
2)open network and sharing centre
3)Di sebelah kiri manage wireless network
4)add..terus create an adhoc network
6)Contoh ane isi network name nya erik, security type ganti no authentication(open),mending jangan check yang di save network nya gan
7)next sampe finish(kalo ada pilihan share internet..pilih share internet)
8)dah biarain nyala aja gan wifinya

Setelah itu kembali lagi ke x10nya..
masuk root xplorer..ke data-->misc-->wifi-->nanti ada wpa_supplicant.conf
Hold wpa_supplicant.conf,terus pilih open in text auditor
dalemnya isi kaya gini :
wpa_supplicant GROUP=wifi
ap_scan=2 <--biasanya cuma tambahin ini
mode=1 <--biasanya cuma tambahin ini

baru d kita ke setting wifinya lagi..nyalain d wifinya..jalan d gan..^^ hehe..


kalo mau root explorernya ga diotak atik lagi..agan selalu buat ad hocnya sama dengan nama yg dibuat di x10nya..n jangan save networknya..nanti habis nyalain yang di laptop..lgsg aja nyalain yg di x10 kita..tunggu bentar..lgsg
untuk yg laennya bisa pakek aplikasi Connectify-me dari windows